
Picture of Rachel Rucker

Rachel Rucker

Graduate Student
Rachel Rucker is a graduate student and teaching assistant in the Classics department. Her research interests are in affect theory, emotion, Archaic Greek poetry, and the development of early Medieval Latin texts.
Echo Smith

Echo Smith

Graduate Student
Echo Smith holds B.A.s in Classics and English from the University of Utah as well as an M.A. in Classics from the University of Iowa. She is currently working on her dissertation, titled “Ancient Dream Interpretation: From Text to Social Context.”
Art Spisak

Art L. Spisak, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus
Art L. Spisak is a professor of Classics and joined the department and university in 2011. His areas of expertise are in Latin poetry of the early Empire (1st cen. C.E.), with concentration on Roman satire and social systems, and especially Martial, the Roman epigrammatist.
Glenn Storey

Glenn Storey, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Glenn Storey holds a joint appointment as associate professor of Classics and Anthropology. He has been at The University of Iowa since 1994. He is currently working on aspects of Greek and Roman economies in contribution to a volume on pre-modern economies, and continuing work on issues of societal collapse, featuring Rome as an exemplar.
Tablet with owl and Greek text

Carrie E. Swanson, Ph.D.

Affiliate Faculty
Dr. Swanson’s area of specialization is Ancient Greek philosophy. Her current research investigates Ancient theories of refutation, syllogistic reasoning, and dialectic, especially in Plato and Aristotle. Her interests in Ancient philosophy are however very broad, and include Aristotle’s philosophy of science and metaphysics; Ancient theories of perception; the moral psychology and virtue ethics of Plato and Aristotle; and Hellenistic medicine and skepticism.
Debra Trusty

Debra Trusty, Ph.D.

Distinguished Associate Professor of Instruction
Dr. Debra Trusty is a lecturer in the Classics department at the University of Iowa and has been teaching at UI since 2017. She received her B.A. in archaeology from the University of Evansville and then went on to earn her M.A. and Ph.D. in classics from Florida State University.
photo of Justin Vorhis

Justin Vorhis, Ph.D.

Director of Undergraduate Studies
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Justin Vorhis is a lecturer of Classics at The University of Iowa. He holds a B.A. in Classics from The Ohio State University, and a M.A. and Ph.D. in Classics from UCLA.
Celsiana Warwick

Celsiana Warwick, Ph.D.

Director of Graduate Studies
Assistant Professor
Celsiana Warwick joined the Classics department in 2019. Her research interests include Homeric epic, Greek poetry, ancient gender and sexuality, and women’s writing.
Portrait of Jonathan Wilcox, professor.

Jonathan Wilcox, PhD

Medieval Studies Certificate Program Coordinator, Department of English
Norah Wolfe

Norah Wolfe, M.M.

Administrative Services Coordinator
Norah Wolfe is the Administrative Services Coordinator for Classics and Religious Studies. She has a Master of Music in Voice and Opera from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance from the University of Iowa. She has performed in operas with the Cedar Rapids Opera Theatre, the Northwestern Opera Theater, and the University of Iowa Opera Theater.