Create your path. Stay on track.

Academic advising is essential to your success as an undergraduate student. Your advisor will help you understand policies and procedures, assist you in selecting majors and courses, and encourage you to engage in campus and community activities. These experiences enrich your college experience, while also helping you realize your dreams and reach your goals.

Academic Advising Center

Advising at the University of Iowa is designed to grow with you academically. Your advising team will change as your needs change. First-semester students and those with fewer than 30 semester hours are advised in the campus-wide Academic Advising Center, where the center’s advisors specialize in transitioning students to academic and student life at Iowa.

Departmental advising

As a College of Liberal Arts and Sciences student with a declared major and 30+ semester hours of credit, you will transition to a departmental advisor. CLAS advisors are located within departments and specialize in providing expert guidance tailored to the majors they serve.

Students with multiple programs of study may have multiple advisors. You’ll visit your primary advisor for registration, but we all work together to help you meet your academic and career goals. Find and schedule with your advisor(s) using MyUI.

Meet Classics academic advisors

For academic advising questions for Classics students who have earned 30 semester hours or more, contact your CLAS advisor or schedule with MyUI.

colleen kelley

Colleen Kelley

Assistant Director, CLAS Academic Advising and Undergraduate Advisor for Classics

For additional questions about undergraduate studies, contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Classics.

Robert Cargill
Pinned content, custom sorted.

Robert Cargill, Ph.D.

Departmental Executive Officer
Roger A. Hornsby Associate Professor in the Classics
Associate Professor of Biblical Studies

For additional questions about about our Latin Program, contact the Director of the Latin Program.

Marcia Lindgren

Marcia H. Lindgren, Ph.D.

Director of the Latin Program
Associate Professor of Instruction

For additional questions about the Medieval Studies Certificate, contact the program coordinator.

Portrait of Jonathan Wilcox, professor.

Jonathan Wilcox, PhD

Medieval Studies Certificate Program Coordinator, Department of English

Getting started with Academic Advising

Verify your advisor and program

Your advisor may change. Verify your primary advisor and their office location. Your program(s) of study are listed in MyUI and include your majors, minors, certificates, or pre-professional programs. If any of this needs to be updated, contact your advisor.

Review your degree audit

Check your degree audit regularly to ensure you understand your program requirements and how courses will count. Contact your advisor if you have questions.

Prepare for registration

Visit your advisor each semester to discuss courses and registration. Your primary advisor can also assist with schedule changes, including adding and dropping.

Seek academic support

Your advisor can help you work to improve your academic performance whether you are on academic probation or want to improve your GPA. Ask about support for your academic success.

Next steps

Plan for graduation

Collaborate with your advisor to create a plan for graduation that incorporates all your programs. Review this plan with your advisor(s) regularly and ask questions about your progress toward degree completion.

Find student resources

The University of Iowa provides resources for social, health, well-being, financial, and academic support. Your advisor can help you navigate campus services.

Explore engagement opportunities

Learn about student organizations, study abroad, service, research, internships, and honors in your major.

Set your goals

Discuss your interests and future educational and career goals. Your advisor can help you plan for graduate and professional study and can connect you to the Pomerantz Career Center.

More about Academic Advising in CLAS

For more information, or to find an advisor in another department, visit the CLAS Advising Network.