Wednesday, August 24, 2022

From July 24th to August 1st, Peter Miller participated in the Network for Medieval Arts and Ritual’s summer school, “Teaching (in) the Middle Ages” in Bamberg, Germany. During this week abroad, Peter joined seventeen other early career scholars from across Europe in a series of workshops at the University of Bamberg. Topics of lecture and discussion included: categories of protected culture by UNESCO World Heritage standards; engaging the public in local history projects; the place of Medieval ritual (authentic or imaginary) in the modern University; the interaction between architectural space, human participants, and recorded texts in educational settings from Germany, Austria, Egypt, Turkey, and Greece; and the use of manuscripts in both Medieval and modern classrooms. 

Through support from the Department of Classics, Peter was able to participate in these events in Bamberg, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The opportunity allowed Peter to engage with manuscripts in the Bamberg State Library, tour multiple cathedrals, and visit a living archaeology museum at History Park Bärnau-Tachov, a site built and maintained using historical methods of construction, repair, and assembly. Peter is eager to bring the lessons and ideas from this summer school to his research and classrooms in the coming year.

Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany
Bamburg, Germany