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Graduate Funding

Graduate Funding
The Graduate College
The Graduate College offers a wealth of information about funding for graduate students. For more information, visit Funding your UI Education in the Graduate College at the University of Iowa.
Teaching/Research Assistantships
We provide six years of financial support in the form of teaching or research assistantships to our students who make satisfactory progress in the program.
Teaching assignments are for beginning and second year Latin, and for discussion sections in large lecture classes. We hold training sessions for each of the different teaching assignments, and offer on-going support and training for graduate teachers. The University also has a prestigious Center for Teaching where special training and professional preparation is available to all graduate students and faculty.
Latin Courses: Elementary Latin I and II are staffed entirely by graduate teaching assistants. The classes meet four or five days a week and use an established syllabus. Latin instructors participate in a pedagogy workshop in the fall and meet regularly during the semester with other instructors and the director of the Latin program. Intermediate Latin courses (World of Cicero, Golden Age of Roman Poetry) are taught by faculty and advanced graduate students using an established curriculum.
Rhetoric Courses: Only entering graduate students may be assigned to teach Rhetoric (a required course for undergraduates) for a two-year period. Rhetoric instructors design their own syllabus and participate in a rigorous professional development program. Classics graduate students who have participated in the program praise the experience and find it a valuable addition to their CVs.
Distance Courses: The Department offers several distance courses through the Division of Online Education. Unlike on-campus courses, there are no classrooms or meeting times. Students complete assignments according to a timetable established in the syllabus. Teaching Assistants receive these assignments electronically and grade them.
Classics Courses in English: The Department offers many courses on ancient literature, history, and culture. Graduate students serve as discussion leaders for weekly sections of large lecture courses run by faculty. They also attend the lectures, meet regularly with the faculty supervisor, and grade papers and exams.
Research assistantships are available also. Research assistants work with faculty members on their research projects, gaining valuable skills and becoming familiar with the research tools in our field. Some research assistants have helped with the production of Dr. Cargill's website Bible & Archaeology and with Dr. Dilley's NEH-funded project "Communicating Revealed Texts: Best Practices for Born-Digital Editions Using Enhanced Imaging."
The University of Iowa Graduate College offers a number of graduate fellowships each year, including travel and research fellowships, fellowships offering additional stipend funds, and dissertation-writing fellowships.
Tuition Scholarship
One- or two-term scholarships may be offered to graduate students. They are awarded occasionally at the discretion of the faculty.
Other Financial Aid
- Applications and additional information on financial aid can be found at the UI Office of Financial Aid page
- Graduate College Financial Support